May 5, 2008

Monkeys in a Cage

This weekend, I'd have to say, was the best weekend...ever. We are trying to put our backyard together this year. We have a VERY small backyard, so it shouldn't be too bad. On Saturday, we spent the day raking up the truck loads of rocks. Luckily, we had most of Ben's family come over. I'm sure that they had as much fun as Ben and I did! While we were all outside, we turned on some music. Simon, Nolan and Bauer sat by the radio and danced away. Simon was just sitting there taping his toes, and every once in a while he would pretend he was playing a guitar. They were sooo cute. So, we raked up the rocks, and then Ben bought everybody Cafe Rio, YUMMY! We bought Timber (our dog) a little dog run to put on the side of the house, and when we got it set up, the boys had a fun time playing inside of it. Grandpa Bliss called them monkeys in a cage, and that is just what they were. They loved to climb up the sides. We all had a rip roarin' time! Anyway, thanks to everyone who came to help with the rocks! It would have taken Ben and I a week to do what we all did in one day! We really appreciate all of the help. We look forward to seeing everyone again next Saturday! (wink wink nudge nudge)


Momberger said...

Listen, as much fun as I had last Saturday I uh.... have a.... a thing... this Saturday. That is unless Ben is buying Cafe Rio again. Then I will uh.. cancel the thing! Hee hee. We had a fun time hanging out with the fam. Those boys sure were cute listening to the music and dancing around! Cute lil' monkeys!

The Bliss Family said...

We aren't really working on the yard this Saturday, so don't worry about cancelling the...thing. :)

Talbot Family said...

Wow, you are so lucky to have a cage. Can I borrow it for the next mother daughter rehearsal for Adessa. I swear that child will never respond to structure. I am thinking if I cage her at least she can't run around. Maybe the investment is worth me getting my own. Hmmm something to think about.