October 31, 2009

Our Happy Halloween

We have always had family Halloween parties, dinners, and decorations to go to, until this year. So, I decided that I wanted to make it a fun Halloween for the kids. I must say, I was successful! On Thursday and Friday night and Saturday afternoon we had Halloween meals. My sister-in-law asked me if I had any good ideas for a Halloween dinner, so I went online and found some way cute ideas. . .
I called these sea monsters:

This one was my idea. We had "boo" sandwiches, mummy Cheetos and pumpkin shaped cheese
Then we had a pizza snake and eyeballs! Yummy!

On Friday night our neighborhood had a Halloween party. We went down to the clubhouse and the kids walked in a parade and got candy at the end, then we watched Monsters vs. Aliens outside. Yes, we watched it outside! It wasn't even cold! I don't remember ever having a Halloween that wasn't really cold. Such a nice change. We just sat on our blanket and had popcorn and drinks. The kids loved it.
As you can probably see, Bella dressed up as Tinker Bell. She loves anything Tinker Bell. She also gets mad at me when I take her costume off. Lucky for Ben (who hates spending money) Simon and Nolan decided (with no persuasion from parents I might add) that they wanted to be the same things they have been for three years now! Simon was Darth Vader and Nolan was Spiderman. Too bad next year the costumes won't fit them. . .and they will be so worn out that they probably won't work anyway! Poor Ben.

On Saturday, we had a block party for our little cul-de-sac. They had music and dinner and games for the kids. They also had a pinata, which was Simon's favorite part. My favorite part was that everyone brought their bowl of candy with them and when it was time to go trick-or-treating, we put them on a big table for the kids to walk around and grab from each bowl instead of going to each house. A few of the adults, that don't have little kids, stayed and monitored the amount of candy being picked up. That means I got to go trick-or-treating with the kids!

Bella had to be the cutest thing. She would walk up to the door with her pumpkin bucket and say "tick-teat". Everyone thought she was adorable so they would load her up with candy. Then Ben and I would say "What do you say Bella?" and she would say "Mo" (more). Then the people would give her more candy because they thought it was so cute. We would ask her again what she should say, and then she would say "tayou" (thank you) . She got way more candy than the boys. Simon and Nolan did even it out a little with the pinata. It rained quite a bit which didn't bother the kids at all and we all had a good time, even with the rain!

Simon wanted me to put a picture of their goodies:
. . .We only went down one street.


The Oldroyd's said...

Wow, you are so creative. I love all that food. I need to get some ideas from you. Sounds like your "no party" weekend was awesome. Hope you had a fun holiday.

MathisFam said...

I love your fun food ideas! I wish I could do stuff like that for Carson, but he is really picky and he wouldn't touch it!

Katie said...

So fun! I love it. And oh my goodness, those kids are just so dang cute that I can't even stand it. Happy Halloween!

Greg and Heather said...

Looks like you all had a great time! Sounds like you have a fun neighborhood too! I wish that it were warm here too.

Momberger said...

The stuff turned out so cute!!!! What did you end up putting in the seas monsters? The snake turned out great too!!! Way to go! Also, I hate to be a complete downer but I just bawled throughout that entire post. I miss you guys so much and I hate to hear about all the fun you have because we miss having the fun with you. It still doesnt seem real that you are so far away.

Heidi Hillman said...

What cute food! How fun to be starting your own traditions and doing new things together. Your kids are adorable, by the way.