April 1, 2008


I've been ABC tagged by Shara. This is about Tessa. You won't find Ben sitting down to fill out any of these things! Enjoy...

A - Attached or Single: Technically we aren't attached...we are our own separate individuals, but I'm married.
B - Best Friend: Ben
C - Cake or Pie: Definitely cheesecake.
D - Day of Choice: Saturday and Sunday because Ben doesn't have to go to work.
E - Essential Item: wipes (isn't that pathetic?)
F - Favorite Color: Green and maybe pink.
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Well, I'm not a huge fan of either. If I had to pick one, then it would be gummy worms I guess. I'd much rather have sour patch watermelons.
H - Hometown: West Valley City, UT
I- Indulgence(s): Sushi (don't pass judgement, it really is quite good!)
J - January or July: They are both horrible...January is too cold and July is too hot!
K - Kids: Three, Simon is four, Nolan is two and Isabella is eight months.
L - Life is incomplete without: Ben and my babies
M - Marriage Date: May 31, 2002
N - Number of Siblings: 7-Craig, Armand, Aaron, Del, Ryan, Kyle, Tara
O - Oranges or Apples: oranges. Or apples if they are peeled and sliced.
P- Phobias or Fears: Spiders...however, I am getting used to them now that I have to be the one that kills them if they are in my house. I'm fine with them as long as I can't see them. I figure that if a spider comes out and lets me see it, it just commited suicide!
Q - Quote: I don't think I have a favorite quote, but I do like this one..."Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile." -Albert Einstein
R- Ring size: Size 6?
S - Season: I like spring and fall
T- Tag 3 Friends: Katie, Rae, Angela.
U - Unknown fact about Me: I'm not sure that I have one...
V - Very favorite stores: Inkley's, Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, Kohls, Walmart
W - Worst Habit: Biting my nails and popping my knuckles
X - X-ray or Ultrasound: Well the only times I have had an ultrasound was when I've been pregnant, and that meant I would be having a baby soon...I'll pick that.
Y - Your Favorite Food: If it's homemade I like my dad's steak, biscuits and gravy. If it's a restaurant I like Olive Garden, Tepanyaki, Taiphoon, Famous Dave's...I guess I like all kinds of food. :)
Z - Zodiac: Pisces.

1 comment:

heather said...

Hey I found your blog off of Amandas and I am an old friend of Ben. Your family is so cute, you'll have to tell Ben I said Hi. Also good luck with your buisness, that is cool that you're doing that.