March 26, 2010

Nolan's Poor Pets

When I was putting the boys to bed last night, I noticed that there was water all over the top of their dresser. They each have a fish bowl with a beta fish. This was our conversation. . .

Me: "Why is there water all over the dresser? You can't keep moving your fish bowls around or your fish are going to die. . .(I look in Nolan's fish bowl) Nolan, your fish is dead again." (yes, that is his second dead fish. . .)

Simon: "That's because he likes to pick his fish up to play with him."

Me: "Nolan, you can't pick your fish up out of the water. Fish have to stay in the water or they can't breathe."

Nolan: "That's okay. I'll go get a new fish."

Me: "We aren't getting you another fish if you can't learn how to take care of them, and you don't have any money to buy a new fish."

Simon: "My fish isn't dead mom."

Nolan: "That's because you don't love your fish and you don't like to play with him."

. . .Poor fishy.


The Momma said...

your boys are so cute!

Katie said...

Oh my gosh I love those boys! They are so stinkin' cute! Kiss their heads for me. Love you all!

Momberger said...

Maybe those little guys need a nice little sister that they can pick up and love on! OH WAIT!!!!! BABY TIME!!!!!

The Oldroyd's said...

Oh my gosh, that is so sad and cute at the same time. Poor fishy!