Remember how Nolan's green bird died a little while ago? And we got him a new bird, which he has no clue was a different bird? I went to go change the birds water and food and it was dead. Yes, dead. I mean, really? What are the chances?
I decided that I needed to just tell Nolan that his bird died, and that we would go exchange it for a new one (Lucky for us it died before we had it for 14 days). I didn't really want to have that conversation with him. I was worried that he would be sad and crying and I'd have to explain death to a four year old. Here is our conversation. . .
Me: "Nolan, come here for a minute. I need to talk to you about something."
Nolan: "What do you need to talk to me about mom?"
Me: "Well, last night when I went to change your birdies food and water, I saw that Sprite had died."
Nolan: "Oh." (pause pause pause) "Well, why did he die?"
Me: "Well our pets and all of the animals are just like people. Everyone will die sometime, your birdie just died last night."
Nolan: "Oh." (pause pause pause) "Sooooo, how did he die?"
. . .At this point, I was suspicious of the other bird killing the last two birds. I didn't share this with him though. :) . . .
Me: "I don't know how it died Sweet Heart."
(pause pause pause)
Nolan: "I know how it died."
Me: "You do?"
Nolan: "Yeah, it sang too much."
Me: "It sang too much?"
Nolan: "Yeah, ya know? Like the bird on Shrek. It sang too much and it just popped. I think my birdie sang to much and popped.
Me: "You could be right." (What do you say to that?!?)
To me, that was hilarious. We went to get the replacement bird and when we came back home and started putting it in the cage. Nolan noticed some of the last birds feathers on the floor and on the cage by the table. He says "See mom, I think those are the birdies feathers from when he popped."
Who knew a conversation about your kids pet dying could go so well?
Come to find out, the blue bird, Nimbus, had been keeping Sprite II from getting any food. Now we have two food dishes and two water dishes in their cage so we don't have another bird die.
That is so cute. I'm glad we don't have any pets. I would hate to explain that to Carson.
How funny!!! What a cute boy.
Oh my gosh, that is too funny. I always thought that when Brooklynn was 2 she said funny things. I am finding more that now at 3 and 4 it just gets better and better.
I absolutely LOVE this story. It really is amazing how kids come up with stories to justify what they are seeing. I really hope this new bird lasts longer than the previous 2 :) Good luck!
Tessa, not sure if you remember me, but I used to work with Ben in SLC. Anyway, as an avid blogger, I am so happy to have found the Bliss Family blog. Congrats on your latest addition. Your family is beautiful! Tell Ben hi!
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